"Although the road is never ending, take a step and keep walking.
Do not look fearfully into the distance.
On this Path let the heart be your guide.”
~ Mevlana

Whirling is the essential meditation of the Sufi path. In whirling we join the inner movement of the universe, the spontaneous dance of existence. It is a path to unfold countless layers and dimensions of our self, surrender to them, and disappear. A spiritual remembrance of the Presence at the center of existence. A place where to dissolve our own ego.
“Zikhr” (Remembrance), an essential Sufi method, will bring us in touch with different layers of our being. Its waves will deepen and expand the different qualities of human consciousness and take us to the silent lake of our being.
Whirling is the spiritual journey of love towards truth, where the soul may reach a state of union, and then comes back to this life to share its love and joy.
Sema’ , the whirling dance, is a moment of the Dervish spiritual journey which is going on every instant of his life, of those who walk the path of love,
of those who search and remember the Divine in themselves and in existence.
"Dervish' is the Sufi word for Sannyas. You cannot believe it unless you experience, that just by whirling you can know yourself. No austerity is needed, no self-torture is needed, but just an experience of your innermost being and you are transported into another plane of existence from the mortal to the immortal. The darkness disappears and there is just eternal light ….It is not that the Dervish dances, God keep dancing in him. Whenever a wave of such divine rapture strikes the heart of the Sufi, it creates a wave in the lake of his inner being …. Something is pouring in him, and it is too much, it starts overflowing in his dancing and singing. ….In reality, it is the wave of the ocean of God that are tossing and turning the anchor-less vessel that is the heart of the Sufi. His state is that of non-being….”
~ Osho